Spark Out is the ninth volume of the Hidan no Aria novel series released on March 22, 2011. This novel concludes the Hilda arc.
- 1st Ammo - Spark Witch -Dracula Hilda-
- 2nd Ammo - Magnificent Riko -Fii Bucuros Riko-
- 3rd Ammo - Secret Rehabilitation -Boy Meets Girl-
- 4th Ammo - Cultural Festival Day 1 -Carnaval Via-
- 5th Ammo - Cultural Festival Day 2 -Carnaval Finale-
- Epilogue - Go For The NEXT!! The G Bloodlines
- Spark Out is a reference to Hilda
- Riko Mine briefly becomes a villain again in the story, but becomes good again after witnessing her friends, Kinji Tohyama and Aria H. Kanzaki, nearly get killed by Hilda.
- Hilda is defeated by the trio of Kinji, Aria, and Riko similar to they way her father, Vlad, was defeated in Volume 3.
- Elle Watson becomes the contract medic for Team Baskerville and starts her "Shock Therapy" sessions with Kinji to undo her male upbringings.
- Cultural Festival takes place.
- Tamamo explains more about what the Far Eastern Warfare (FEW) is about.
- Kinji turns in his transfer documentation to begin the process of leaving the Butei.
- GIII returns at the end of the volume, which also introduces GIV, who attacks Team Baskerville.