Hidan no Aria Wiki

Spark Out is the ninth volume of the Hidan no Aria novel series released on March 22, 2011. This novel concludes the Hilda arc.



  • 1st Ammo - Spark Witch -Dracula Hilda-
  • 2nd Ammo - Magnificent Riko -Fii Bucuros Riko-
  • 3rd Ammo - Secret Rehabilitation -Boy Meets Girl-
  • 4th Ammo - Cultural Festival Day 1 -Carnaval Via-
  • 5th Ammo - Cultural Festival Day 2 -Carnaval Finale-
  • Epilogue - Go For The NEXT!! The G Bloodlines



  • Spark Out is a reference to Hilda
  • Riko Mine briefly becomes a villain again in the story, but becomes good again after witnessing her friends, Kinji Tohyama and Aria H. Kanzaki, nearly get killed by Hilda.
  • Hilda is defeated by the trio of Kinji, Aria, and Riko similar to they way her father, Vlad, was defeated in Volume 3.
  • Elle Watson becomes the contract medic for Team Baskerville and starts her "Shock Therapy" sessions with Kinji to undo her male upbringings.
  • Cultural Festival takes place.
  • Tamamo explains more about what the Far Eastern Warfare (FEW) is about.
  • Kinji turns in his transfer documentation to begin the process of leaving the Butei.
  • GIII returns at the end of the volume, which also introduces GIV, who attacks Team Baskerville.


Hidan no Aria
Hidan no Aria AA
AA Novel
Yagate Maken no Alicebell
Light Novel