Dark Penetration is the twenty-sixth volume of the Hidan no Aria novel series released on September 25, 2017. This novel contains the Tohyama Warrior Office arc.
Upon Kinji and Lisa's return to japan, they found out Kinji and Nakasorachi were expelled by Tokyo Butei High. To legally keep their guns, the two took Lisa's advice and Kinji opened a Butei office, the Tohyama Warrior Office, hiring Nakasorachi as an employee. Whilst completing the registration of his company, Kinji accidentally got tricked into buying an abandoned an old house that used to be a manjū factory. With no other prospects, Kinji and Nakasorachi started to make manjūs as a form of advertisement for their company. Their manjūs accidentally became a popular product and started selling like crazy.
- 1st Ammo
- 2nd Ammo
- 3rd Ammo
- 4th Ammo
- 5th Ammo
- 6th Ammo
- Go For The NEXT!!!
- The novel was released along side Chūgaku Akamatsu new novel, Cheers!.
- Kinji Tohyama starts the Tohyama Warrior Office as its President in order to keep his Butei license. However, he leaves the company over to Misaki Nakasorachi,
- Nakasorachi get a new pair of glasses.
- Kinji crossdresses again.
- Tamamo, Kou, Elle Watson, Moe Mochizuki, Kikuyo Kagataka, and Makiri Ito return.
- Elle has not had an illustration since Volume 16.
- This the first time since Volume 12 that Kikuyo Kagataka has been illustrated by herself without Moe Mochizuki.
- Kinji starts studying for the college entrance exam and living in his own apartment.
- Similar to the end of Volume 3 and Volume 9, one of Kinji's sibling appears.