The Legend of the Scarlet Star is the twenty-fifth volume of the Hidan no Aria novel series released on April 25, 2017. This novel concludes the Rome arc.
- 1st Ammo
- 2nd Ammo
- 3rd Ammo
- 4th Ammo
- 5th Ammo
- Go For The NEXT!!!
- Professor Moriarty is introduced.
- LOO, Sherlock Holmes, and Misaki Nakasorachi return.
- This is the first time Misaki Nakasorachi has been illustrated with her glasses on.
- Kinji Tohyama is expelled from Rome Butei High School and the Butei, costing him his Butei License.
- Kinji and Lisa Ave du Ank return to Tokyo while Aria H. Kanzaki leaves with Sherlock.