Anonymous Death is the twenty-second volume of the Hidan no Aria novel series released on April 25, 2016. This novel begins the Public Division 0 arc and the N storyline.
- 1st Ammo
- 2nd Ammo
- 3rd Ammo
- 4th Ammo
- Go For The Next!!!
- Despite Reki being on the cover of the volume, there is no complete illustrations of her in the volume.
- Riko Mine has four illustrations in the volume.
- Hilda has not had an illustration since Volume 14.
- Kinji Tohyama crossdresses again.
- Akari Mamiya, Shino Sasaki, and Kyouchikytou from the Hidan no Aria AA series makes an appearance in the volume.
- Hibari Yamane is introduced.
- Public Division 0 is introduced.
- Due to Kinji fighting in the Far Eastern Warfare (FEW) and the Scarlet Blazing Goddess, he ends up failing a class and has to repeat a year. However, he decides to leave Tokyo Butei High School and take the class elsewhere.