Rigorous Suspect is the twenty-first volume of the Hidan no Aria novel series released on August 25, 2015. This novel concludes the Scarlet Blazing Goddess arc and storyline. The novel also acts as a transition to the next phase of the story.
- 1st Ammo
- 2nd Ammo
- 3rd Ammo
- 4th Ammo
- 5th Ammo
- 6th Ammo
- Go For The NEXT!!!!
- Scarlet Blazing Goddess is defeated and is sent back into space.
- This novel is similar to Volume 5 in how they both conclude a big part of the story and acts as a transition to the next phase.
- Moe Mochizuki and Kikuyo Kagataka return.
- Moe and Kikuyo have not had a color illustration since Volume 12.
- Kanae Kanzaki is finally freed from prison.
- Raika Hino from the Hidan no Aria AA (Series) makes an appearance.