Recitativo is the seventeenth volume of the Hidan no Aria novel series released on April 25, 2014. This novel concludes the Greneda arc and the Far East Warefare (FEW) storyline. Also, the novel begins the Scarlet Blazing Goddess storyline.
- 1st Ammo
- 2nd Ammo
- 3rd Ammo
- 4th Ammo
- 5th Ammo
- Far Eastern Warfare (FEW) conflict that began in Volume 8 concludes with a ceasefire agreement.
- Yen is introduced.
- Lisa Ave du Ank becomes Kinji Tohyama maid and enrolls into Ambulace at Tokyo Butei High School.
- Kinichi Tohyama and Patra are revealed to be married.
- Scarlet Blazing Goddess begins to emerge.