Constellation is the fifteenth volume of the Hidan no Aria novel series released on August 25, 2013. This novel concludes the Ranpan arc and begins the Greneda arc.
- 1st Ammo: Vacuum Bomb - Shima Hari
- 2nd Ammo: Enable and Diamond Dust - Constellation
- 3rd Ammo: Masquerade Ball - Masquerade
- 4th Ammo: Dangerous High Road — Graf Zeppelin
- 5th Ammo: The Singing Tiger of the Iron Crossed — Panzerlied
- Go For The NEXT!!!!
- The novel comes out five years after Volume 1 (August 25, 2008).
- Constellation is the name of Jeanne d'Arc Butei team.
- Even though Kou is on the cover of the volume, she has no completed illustrations in the volume.
- Patra returns.
- Kinji Tohyama and Aria H. Kanzaki resolve their fallout.
- Kinji Tohyama is expelled from Team Baskerville for political reasons and would not have another mission them until Volume 29, published five years later.
- Moe Mochizuki and Kikuyo Kagataka return as new Butei's.
- Kaname Tohyama, Kinzou Tohyama (GIII), Magane Tohyama, and Setsu Tohyama return.
- Kinji joins Elle Watson, Jeanne, and her Butei team on a trip to Europe where they fight the Regiment Hex.
- Seiji Harada from Chūgaku Akamatsu's other light novel Yagate Maken no Alicebell make an appearance.